New perspectives in maritime archaeological research
25.00 €
Conditions of saleMaritime archaeological research and case studies
Maritime Archaeology in the Estonian Maritime Museum.
Discovery of a 17th-century Dutch fluyt wreck in Gulf of Finland.
Timber from shipwrecks in Estonia: questions and answers.
Technological choice and social practice in the construction and use of watercraft: exploring the case of the ancient Rhodian triemiolia.
The size of the Battle of Svensksund 1790: A critical approach to the available empirical material.
Digital technologies in archaeology and heritage
Reinventing the wheel? The digital transformation in heritage documentation.
Pixelating the Past: The Development of Underwater Photogrammetry in Finland.
3D solutions in museums using the example of the Estonian Maritime Museum’s permanent exhibitition.
Digitising the Collections of the Estonian Maritime Museum: Problems, Possibilities and Challenges.
The work of the Estonian Maritime Museum
On the past, present and future of Estonian underwater clubs.
The formation of the Estonian Maritime Museum’s underwater archaeology collection.
The Methodological Approaches of the Estonian Maritime Museum: The Future of Maritime Archaeological Research in Estonia and the Organisation.
Research activities at the Estonian Maritime Museum, 2019–2021.