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Ledebour’s herbal seasoning mix for carrots


Conditions of sale

Ingredients: parsley, chives, dill, celery, carrots, parsnip, bell pepper, fennel

Preparation: 1 handful young carrots, 1 tbsp butter, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt, herbal seasoning mix. Boil carrots until they start to soften, then dry. Melt butter in a frying pan with honey and lemon juice, add carrots and seasoning mix and stir to stew.

1 in stock

1 in stock


The herbal tea set Academic Flavours by the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden got the II-III place at the 2018 competition for the best souvenirs of Estonian museums.

According to Inge Kukk, author of the idea, the souvenirs are inspired by 19th-century Baltic German cookbooks and the life of the most famous professors of natural sciences of the University of Tartu of that time. “Most of the herbs used in the mixtures are of Estonian origin and can be seen on the beds of the University of Tartu Botanical Garden,” Kukk added.

The set Academic Flavours consists of four different herb mixtures: two for herbal teas and two for seasoning. The mixtures have been named after the founders of geology and zoology branches of the Natural History Museum and in honour of the first professors of botany: Asmuss´ cave blend, Russow´s bog blend, Eschscholtz herbal seasoning mix for vegetables and Ledebour´s herbal seasoning mix for carrots.

The package includes information about the life of the professor, ingredients and the recipe in Estonian and English. All used herbs are organic, produced and mixed at Kubija Ürt OÜ. The design of the package made of eco-friendly cardboard is inspired by the graphic design of the permanent exhibition of the UT Natural History Museum: the fern leaf. The package was designed by Margot Sakson, Artist-Designer of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden.