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Book Ajaloolise kultuurivara jälgedel. Konrad Gessneri taimejoonistused Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus


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The book gives a fascinating overview of how the unique collection of plant drawings of the 16th-century Swiss universal scholar Konrad Gessner came to be and has survived to this day. The book tells about and shows the material the University of Tartu Library obtained back in 1804. To a large extent, this is a treasure yet to be discovered by the scientific world.

Konrad Gessner was a notable botanist, zoologist, theologian, philologist and lexicographer, bibliographer and collector.

The book was written by Mare Rand, a long-time employee of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the University of Tartu Library.

Author: Mare Rand

Published in 2015 by the University of Tartu Press, 156 pages, paperback

Compiler Aili Bernotas, editor and author of the epilogue Malle Ermel, editor Rein Saukas, designer Eve Valper, translator Sulo Lembinen

Dimensions: 20.9 × 26 cm

NB! The book is in Estonian.

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